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St. Cloud Man of The Week: Shoots Deputy With Arrow and Gets Shot Directly In The Buttocks


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St. Cloud Man of The Week: Shoots Deputy With Arrow and Gets Shot Directly In The Buttocks



After quite the day, last Thursday Sept. 13th, a sheriff deputy and a “suspect” are being treated for wounds at the St. Cloud Hospital after a standoff with the suspect, sheriff’s department and swat team.

The suspect, “allegedly”, stole a pickup then made a quick pit stop at a John Deere building around 10 a.m. Thursday morning, and by pit stop I mean, the suspect ran right into the building creating a hole or “pit” in the structure. The suspect then went on a rampage that could only be described as “a drunk person and or newb, playing the hit game Grand Theft Auto, for the first time.” After smashing against/into multiple parked cars the suspect finally parked the stollen vehicle by crashing it through a garage. The suspect then quickly ran inside to pee, experts say. When you gotta go, you gotta go.

The schools in the area were immediately put into lockdown and officials created a perimeter, then proceeded to enter the home. Upon entering the home, the suspect was spotted at the top of the stairs wielding a compound bow and arrow. The arrow quickly left the possession of the suspect as it was fired at one the deputies, striking the deputies arm. Fellow deputies began firing their weapons, almost entirely guns at the suspect and the suspect was tagged in the left shoulder and directly in the buttocks.


The deputies withdrew from the home, and SWAT was called in. A two hour standoff began as the SWAT team tried to reason with the suspect. I have never been in a standoff situation from either side but I would imagine it could get a little stressful. So I empathized with this demand that the suspect gives to the SWAT negotiator. The suspect asks for a chawski, you know a tin of smooth and refreshing Wintergreen all American chewing tobacco. Here is another tale of cops/officials being good people. A deputy on site had a tinner in his pocket and tossed the bastard his tin after the suspect had already stuck his fellow deputies like Bambis mom with a arrow. That is a good guy right there.

After getting his mints, the suspect appeared atop the stairs once more where the SWAT team tased the him. The suspect was then taken to St. Cloud Hospital for his gun shot wounds and probably swallowing some lip mints.

Lessons Learned:

  1. “St. Cloud Man” is a nut job.

  2. Just because it isn’t bow season doesn’t mean the deer stands are empty.

  3. If a guy really wants a chew, just give it to him. Is it really worth getting shot over?

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