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Filtering by Category: NFL

11 Takeaways from Sundays Tie - Packers vs Vikings

Patrick Whinnery

Thielen Diggs duo - I like it parady copy.jpg
  1. Packer fans definitely still sleep with their cousins

  2. Lambeau is a steaming pile of crap

  3. Officiating was brutal for both teams

  4. Daniel Carlson will be memed about a 1,000 times in the next 24 hours

  5. Stefon Diggs and Adam Thielen are probably the best duo since Turner and Hooch

  6. Aaron Rodgers is still really good

  7. Vikings defense looked very slow to start the game

  8. Vikings gave the Packers 16 points for free (Punt block for TD, 3 missed field goals)

  9. LaQuon Treadwell should be right behind Daniel Carlson on his way out the league

  10. Kirk Cousins is worth the money

  11. Vikings should of never had a chance to come back and tie that game, that’s how good they are

Adrian Peterson: Man, Machine or Martian?

Bad Andy

You know the worst part of the so called “fantasy experts” from ESPN, NFL, Yahoo and all the other sites is?? They just don’t get it! All the analysts articles based their projections on him this year on stats from the last few season... well some free fantasy advice from Bad Andy is to stick those “stats” in a SACK!! The eye test trumps all statistics.

I personally studied the all-22 from his limited action from preseason and came away wetter than the dance floor at an Elvis concert. After less than 3 days of preparation he was making these other NFL players looking like they were still playing pee-wee football. Adrian has heard he’s done more times than I can count and more often than not the doubters are wrong (again). He’ll be looking to break the great, Jim Brown’s record on Sunday and Adrian told SiriusXM NFL radio on Thursday “God willing, on my first run, I can go ahead and break it.” I believe him! Let the doubters be wrong. 

How about last year when he got traded to Cardinals and rattled off 134 with 2 TDs first game?


Or all the stories when Melvin Gordon went to train with him after Melvin’s disappointing rookie season and AD was beating him out in every drill. Take this quote from someone who saw the workouts in person;

‘Yes, he's faster, so I've got to really show him.' Adrian can beat him in a 400 or 300 or 200, but it's right around 70, 60 meters and under where Melvin can get him.

"When it's just flat out, over a workout, every workout of the day, Adrian will beat him."

"Melvin is great, (in) one, two, maybe the third rep, but after that, he starts to fall off. He doesn't understand. And that's when 'Prince of Persia,' as I call him, Adrian, he comes in in rare form. (Melvin) is only nudging him out in the beginning, but they're both working hard. It's good to see."

​Does that sound like someone who has “lost it”? I think we know he’s no mere mortal man but he is of this world? Knowing what we know I shouldn’t be see Adrian Peterson outside anyone’s top 5 in their RB rankings in week 1. Losers zig, winners zag. 


Feels like Deja Vu all over again.