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5655 Elmhurst Ave
Minneapolis, MN, 55428
United States

The Misfits of LA


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The Misfits of LA

Patrick Whinnery

Holy fucking shit.. look at that fucking lineup!

Laker Misfits.jpg

So media day was today and gifted us an absolute gem.

This is probably the coolest lineup I have ever seen. You got Lance who is an absolute troll and probably the biggest the league has ever seen. The king of Shaqtin a fool, Mr. JaVale McGee (insert emoji laughing so hard it shits itself). Michael Beasley who holds a very special place in my heart. I am a Timberwolves fan, I’ve seen this man so high he got taken out of the game and proceeded to lay on the court. With half his body in-bounds, Beasley sat there with no expression for 3 minutes and that’s when I knew I loved him. LEGEND. Finally, Rondo on the end, one of the biggest psychos in the league. Someone I never would want smoke with.

These are the Misfits of LA and I love it! LeBron must be so proud.

Some of the best names for this crew: All were taken from Lance Stephenson’s Instagram

The Meme Team

Shaqtin a Crew

Last Chance U

Plan B

The Suicide Squad

The Blame Game

Goon Squad

Special Ed

Jazz in 4

The Uncoachables

Franklin the Turtle and 3 Retards

The Shit Show

Shirt available in shop >>>> <<<<

Laker misfits mock up.jpg