Contact Us

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5655 Elmhurst Ave
Minneapolis, MN, 55428
United States


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Patrick Whinnery

Create Clothing and Pat's Printing are here to put it in full gear! We are putting out new designs/gear daily. As owner and designer, I am making shit that I like and what majority people in their teens to early 30's would be rocking. Right now, we are solely doing t shirts, sweatshirts and other tops. I love others peoples comments and opinions, please feel free to respond, make fun, or talk shit. Controversy is great! 

We are a Minnesota based company, therefore we WILL be biased when it comes sports and just anything that may represent anyone's roots! Respond wisely!!

Blogs will consist of Movies, HOT music, definitely sports, current events and hot chicks.... you know, guy stuff!

There will be multiple personalities that will be blogging and some will be more extreme than others. No PC's allowed(politically correct).