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Sheldon Richardson is coming for Anthony Barr's bag

Kyle DeRider

Game one of the 2018 season is in the books and the Vikings are 1-0 (Skol). It wasn’t the most aesthetically pleasing victory to watch, but we put one in the left column nonetheless. Jimmy Garoppolo just wanted to get out of town by the 4th quarter and everybody could see it. A big reason for that was Sheldon Richardson. Sheldon was all up in Jimmy’s grill the entire game, earning the second best grade for a defensive tackle in the league according to Pro Football Focus. (Linval was #3, just sayin’). He recorded a half sack, three QB hits, and lead all DT’s with 7 total pressures. Now the sample size is small, but if Big Rich (I call him Big Rich) can provide that kind of disruption and consistency it will be hard not to pay the man. Anthony Barr is one hell of a player and an athletic freak, don’t get me wrong. But as we all know, Ricky Spielman and the Wilfs took out their pocket book these last 2 seasons and paid MOST of the key players that needed contracts. Anthony Barr is still waiting to sign on the dotted line for his extension, though. Cap space is limited when you “window” is open, and only so many players secure the bag. In my opinion, assuming the talent is close to equal, I will take a very good 3-technique DT over a very good linebacker in a 4-3 scheme. So even though they play different positions, Anthony Barr and Sheldon Richardson may be competing for a payday next off-season, and let me tell ya… I’m here for it.

-Joey Lash