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Favorite viral video from College Basketball - The infamous Dabber

Patrick Whinnery

Homeboy looks like he has been dabbin his whole life. While we were watching The Jungle Book "The Bear Necessities" this kid was in his crib watching Migos "The Dab Necessities" ! At first glance I thought this kid was black, hell, I'm still convinced he's black! I think after this video went viral, I think his side chick count went from 0 to 100 real quick! 

Long story short, when you're in the groove and think you're killing, take a step back and remember you are not this kid and your pussy count is at -50.  All hail infamous Dabber!

PS Migos need this kid in their next video if they're trying to keep their street cred up!

Z Fire aka Zach Lavine does it again and how bout Air Gordon!? Holy F$@&^**!!!

Patrick Whinnery

Z Fire came out swaggin unlike the other guys(besides Drummond), clapping up with Mr. OVO and playing his intro music "Back to Back", still one of my favorite songs, then just threw down a casual, NASTY, behind the back oop to himself... Zach, you are the best and in my life time, I don't know if I have seen anyone jump like you. UNREAL.

But, on the other note, how about Air Gordon?? Besides is his weird, gay fish entrance, holy sh!t, I knew he was a freak but god damn! That dunk when he went under his legs after grabbing it from "Stuff" the Magic mascot, the weird f*cking green thing with the sh$t coming out of his nose, that dunk may have been the best I saw all night. Props to Gordon, it really could have gone either way, but I am glad to see MN boy get it.

Bottom line, one hell of a weekend for the Tpups, Zach getting MVP of the rising stars, and the dunk comp. champion, and our big boy, KAT, winning the skills comp.! Very impressive outting for the Timberwolves this Allstar Weekend.